Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Buncha Herb Chicken Thighs

Over the years my husband has always had this fear when I get in the kitchen and say "I'm trying something new tonight" that we will end up eating dinner at Chick-fila.  There was only one time that happened and it was all because someone told me the wrong measurement to put in a recipe and yes we still talk about that awful evening because it was the worst meal I had ever cooked in my life.  Anyways, since then he still gets a little worried because he is your typical meat and potatoes kind of guy that would be happy if I slapped huge piece of steak in front of him every night and call it a day.  Me on the other hand prefer to try new things and a lot of times I look at recipes as a guideline, which drives him crazy.  

So tonight was a night were we tried something "new" in the kitchen and I was a little worried that he might not like it.  Not because I didn't have faith in my food but because he's not one to always like my crazy things I come up with.  But after it was all done and the first bite he gave me the nod and said it was really good.  YAY!!! I did it!!!  One huge step for me in the kitchen and one delicious and healthy step for my husbands taste buds.  So since he really liked it I gave him the naming rights and that is how the dinner tonight got the name "Buncha Herb Chicken Thighs".  Be prepared for many crazy names in the future as my husband and I have a sense of humor when it comes to naming things.  I fear for our future child's name sometimes because you never know what we might come up with. 
Gluten Free Chicken Thighs

Buncha Herb Chicken Thighs
Makes as many thighs as you would like for dinner.  (We did three but my husband informed me to do 4 next time since they were a little small)
Gluten Free Chicken Prep 
3-4 Chicken Thighs with skin and bone in
About 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper to taste
Fresh Herbs (chopped)
    - Basil
    - Oregano
    - Rosemary

1.  Wash each chicken thigh and pat it dry.  Place them in a baking dish.
2.  Pour a little bit of olive oil over each chicken thigh and rub the oil all over.  Be sure to get the sides, under, top and any small space you can find.  (probably will use about 1 tablespoon for 3-4 chickens, use more if you need it though)
3.  Place all your chicken thighs back in your baking dish with the skin side up.
4.  Sprinkle Salt and Pepper over your chicken thighs.  

Gluten Free Chicken Seasoning

5.  Chop your fresh herbs with a knife into fine pieces.  

Chopped Basil Rosemary Oregano

6.  Sprinkle your fresh herbs over each chicken thigh.  I did mine one herb at a time so that I could make sure each thigh was covered with the same herbs.  Also, my husband loves fresh herbs so I put a lot on mine, so adjust to your taste.

Baking the Chicken

7.  Once your chicken thighs are all covered with your herbs cover your baking dish with a lid or even saran wrap.  Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, the longer you leave it in the refrigerator the more the herbs and oil absorb into the chicken.  
8.  When you are ready to cook the chicken preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
9.  Cook the chicken thighs for 45 minutes to 55 minutes.  Notice the chicken does not turn very dark when cooking so to make sure it is done you will need to cut into one to see if it has pink juices or not.  If there is pink juices coming out then place it back in the oven for another 5-10 minutes. 

Gluten Free Cooked Chicken

10.  Once the chicken is done you are ready to serve!  It will go great with pretty much any vegetable, potatoes or salad for you.  We did steamed green beans tonight and it was delicious!

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