Sunday, March 31, 2013

A little bit about me...


I'm Kimberly and I'm starting over with a whole new way of becoming healthy.  My blog will be recipes, workouts, thoughts, and whatever my life might throw at me because lets face it....I have a crazy life!  I am married to a wonderful man who has been my rock through everything and he supports me through all my crazy changes and mishaps that come along.  We have two precious dogs that you will hear me refer to as chickens (Garett and Zoey) that are precious as can be and have my husband and I wrapped around their sweet little paws.  I work full time, go to school full time, manage the household full time, and take care of everything for my husband and I since he travels for a living and is not home enough to handle much.

So that's just my family and way of life but here I want to share my new start to getting healthy without having to really try hard at it.  In June of 2013 I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and that rocked my world because I'm a HUGE fan of pizza!!  My husband calls me a Ninja Turtle because I eat so much pizza.  After going through a lot of research we have found out that I cannot eat anything containing Wheat, Barley or Rye, which are all products of gluten.  Those are my main triggers and continue to be even being Gluten Free for almost 8 months.  I have learned to deal with the fact that being Gluten Free (or GF for short) it is expensive, time consuming, life changing, annoying, disappointing, depressing and extremely healthy.  If you don't believe me....look at the back of the package you are eating (mine was beef jerky) and see what is in the ingredients.....enriched wheat flour!  It's in everything you can imagine, even in twizzlers!  So after realizing I couldn't have any of the good stuff I had to adjust all my foods so I took a walk down the GF aisle at the grocery store and realized that my loaf of bread which used to be $2.32 is now $5.49 and has to be frozen!!  Our grocery bill is now almost double what it used to be but my husband and I have cut out all fast food because I cannot eat there and really watch our eating out.  It has helped with the increasing grocery bill and helped us shed a few unwanted pounds.  So being GF isn't as bad as it may seem once you get the right tools and knowledge.

With all of this being said I'm wanting to share my story, recipes, and tips on how to live a healthier life being Gluten Free and not breaking the bank.  I will not be counting calories for my meals or doing Weight Watchers Points because lets face it, I do not have time for that!

So feel free to follow me in my journey and crazy life because it can get interesting at times!
